Google free blog

Free Blogging With Google Blogger

1. First go to your Mobile/Pc browser and Type "Google Blogger" and Search.

Google Blogger

2. Now Click on the First website "".

Google Blogger

3. Now Click on "Create Your Blog".
4. Now One Dialog Box is Open.

Google Blogger

5. Now Enter Your "Email or Phone Number" and Click on Next.
6. After this a new Dialog box is Open and Here Type Name for Your Blog and Click "Next".

Google Blogger

7. Now Enter the "Display Name" Which You want to display on Your blogger Screen.

Google Blogger

8. Now Click on "Finish".

Google Blogger

9. Now Click On "Create Blog".

Google Blogger

10. Now Enter "Title" of Your Blog.

Google Blogger

11. Now Enter "Address" for your blog. Now it is checking for existing Blog address, if Your Blog address is not available then try another address for your blog.
12. Now Your work is completed and Now Click on "Save".

Google Blogger

13. This Screen is Appearing on Your Screen.

14. Now Click on "New Post" Button on Upper Left Side.

15. Now Post Creating Page is Open and Now you will able to create a Blog Post.

Google Blogger